Author Archives: admin

CS Gray & No Lucky Horse Live: Thursday June 14, 2012

CS Gray & No Lucky Horse are playing at Mexicali Live on Thursday, June 14, 8 p.m. For reservations email or call 201-833-0011.

Mexicali Live is located at:
1409 Queen Anne Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666

Also on the bill are Stellar Ego and The Electrix. We’ll be giving away copies of the latest CS Gray album “Shoot Out the Star” to the first 100 people at the show!

Here’s the event on Facebook:

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CS Gray at Mexicali Live – Saturday January 28, 2012

Flier for CS Gray Mexicali Show 28 Jan 2012

Get your tickets here.… Read the rest

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New review

Great review by Oliver Arditi of the CS Gray Band album ‘Shoot Out The Star’ posted today!. the rest

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Friday July 22nd, Banjo Jim’s with special guest No Lucky Horse

Hello. Sean Koehler and Michael Campagna had asked be to do a Blues show. Well I thought about it and figured if I did a show like that it would have to be a Stanky low down free form blues, no frat boy light beer drinking blues. so here is the deal, the first part of the show will be some solo acoustic CS Gray songs, then add some Jim Duffy on piano. Part two will be “No Lucky Horse” for the rest of the show, this should be hot sweaty fun.
We have a lot of Birthday’s in July, Maria, Pam, Stacy and Stephanie. Let’s make this a Birthday Blues blow out and give these girls the party they deserve! Oh let’s not forget Charlie! Did I miss anyone, let me know.

Here is the way Jim Duffy described this show, I think his words nailed it.

Something a little different — my good friend Chris Gray, a.k.a. C.S. Gray, will be playing two sets on Friday evening, July 22, at Banjo Jim’s in the East Village. He asked me to fill in on bass guitar, and I was delighted to say yes.

Chris and I go way back. Back in the early 1990s, we co-founded the band Martin’s Folly. Before anyone ever heard the term “roots rock,” we started writing songs that portrayed what we liked best about the American music we loved. That was the pre-Internet, pre-download era, so we were more or less working in the dark. We made three albums that were produced byEric “Roscoe” Ambel, and for five or six years we played in the New York clubs, up and down the East Coast, and out to Cleveland, Chicago, Nashville, Asheville and points in between.

After I veered off into instrumental music, Chris took … Read the rest

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From the Martin’s Folly Album “Man, It’s Cold”

01 Two Times A Day.mp3 by CS Gray

02 Throwing Stone.mp3 by CS GrayRead the rest

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From the First Martin’s Folly Album “Martin’s Folly”

01 TV Song.mp3 by CS Gray

02 Hey Martin.mp3 by CS GrayRead the rest

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“Start a Fire” Live at Banjo Jim’s

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Shoot out the Star, Live at Banjo Jim’s

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Shoot Out the Star CD Release

May 23, 2011. I’m pleased to announce that Shoot Out the Star will be released on CD on September 20! In the meantime, you can download it from the CS Gray Bandcamp page. You can pay-what-you-want, including free. If you decide to download it for free, that’s great, but if you find that you like it, please do spread the word. Word-of-mouth is the best kind of promotion my music has. More news soon…… Read the rest

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Les Paul

Here is my Old Black Les Paul Custom tricked out like Neil Young.… Read the rest

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